Monday, February 18, 2008

rear suspension tweak

I worked on the saabette! I'm so proud. I took the rear axle off...AGAIN...took the rear wheel bearing out and put them in correctly this time...with the spacers installed..doh! I also managed to get the center I had someone else do it, initially, and they didn't quite get it...which threw the rear alignment out of whack. This is one of those jobs that is a 15 minute job once you get on the right path...but is 5 hours long by the time you've failed several times, broken a tool or two and been to the store. It must have taken about 3000 psi to budge the little bugger. I finally got it with my giant vice, a 3 foot cheater bar, and some carefully positioned half inch steel chunks. I'm fairly certain that I cheated death. At anyrate, its all back together and looks pretty good. We'll see when I go for the first test drive.

That little project was a big black cloud over me, knowing for months that i'd have to get it it is. So hopefully that opens the door for wiring! I'll start up the class in the spring again and start painting the body. By the time I get the body painted I should have the interior wired and plumbed so I can put the body on...that will be very weird looking...I haven't seen the body on it in years.

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