Monday, February 18, 2008

more rockers...more rockers

I've spent days shaping the rocker panels. They're the one piece of metal work that shows. It was: put on fiberglass mud, sand to shape, find imperfections, repeat..and repeat and repeat and repeat... I finally got to the point of "good enough", and hit the area with some high build primer to fill the sanding scratches, and sharpen the body lines. Looks pretty good. Now, I want to work on cleaning and reinstalling the suspension, so that as soon as i paint the rockers and rear wheel wells, i can put the car on its wheels. Then, i can safely cut off the bracing keeping the car from tacoing, and paint the interior black. Things are looking up, even though everything takes 10 times as long to do then planned. I guess a career in project management is not in my future. Ug..just bought another $300 worth of paint...hopefully that will last me through the chassis. It looks like I'll need another $500-$1000 to finish painting the car completely. Doing good work is EXPENSIVE. Good thing it takes me forever, because I can save all my nickels and dimes to do it...
Looking, i decided i needed new boots and ball joints. Need to buy those. Possibly some new rotors too if I can find them. They are badly pitted, but I'll check the thickness tolerances before I spend the money. Maybe I can get them turned. Looks like one is much thinner than the other already though...could be a problem. And i lost a suspension bushing in the move. They can only be bought in packages...crap. $200 for a $25 bushing. I guess i'll put that one on the cost of divorce charge code.

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